
I BUILDMobile & Web

About Me

Hi, I'm Brendan, and I've been in the software development game for over 8 years now. My focus is on full-stack development, which means I handle everything from the frontend (like Mobile and Web applications) to the backend, including Blockchain Applications, often referred to as dApps.

My journey began in 2014 when I started tinkering with HTML and CSS to create static webpages. This led me to dive into JavaScript, exploring frameworks like React and React Native. Backend-wise, I've focused on Node.js, building robust applications.

More recently, I've been fascinated by blockchain technology. I've been exploring the world of Ethereum and learning how to write Solidity contracts, which are the backbone of smart contracts that run on the Ethereum network.

Over the years I have had the pleasure of being involved in quite a number of large and small scale projects. I’ve worked as a freelancer, a full-stack developer at Jaden Digital, a couple of different start-ups in the cryptocurrency world where I was the lead developer, and now currently as an engineer at Westpac

Here are some technologies that I've worked with recently:

  • React
  • Solidity
  • NextJs
  • Typescript
  • Javascript
  • NodeJs
  • React Native

Other Noteable Projects

  • Warner Music Australia (E-Commerce Store)

    The Warner Music Australia E-Commerce Store. Built on NextJs and utilising the Shopify API.
  • Cardano Dapp Connector

    An example of the wallet connector standard CIP30 being implemented in order for a user to "connect" to the dapp via their Cardano wallet. See the backend example for the authentication implementation.
  • Cardano Dapp Connector (Backend)

    An example of authentication by reading from a token that was signed via a users Cardano wallet that implements the wallet connector standard CIP30.
  • Solidity NFT Mint Contract

    An example of a solidity contract that handles minting Non-Fungible-Tokens (NFT's) on the Ethereum Network or any Layer 2 Blockchain built on Ethereum, such as Polygon.
  • Personal Portfolio

    The first iteration of my personal portfolio. Currently what you are looking at :D. Build with NextJs
  • Discord Invite Tracker

    A discord bot that tracks how many invites each user has made to the server.
  • Discord Address Whitelister

    A discord bot allowing users of a specific role the ability to whitelist an address against their discord id.
  • Discord Cardano Epoch Tracker

    A discord bot that displays the current cardano epoch, as well as a live countdown untill the next epoch.